Alright, so another graduation has come and gone and again I had a bunch of really close friends graduating this quarter whom I'll miss seeing everyday very much :< Here's their websites and their demo reels. Give them a look! :] Deocampo 2010 Demo Reel from Zsazsalyn Deocampo on Vimeo.
ZsaZsa my bff! Major huge ginormous congrats on getting best in show! I was stoked when I heard the news. Good job! I'm definitely gonna miss talking to you everyday in school and setting up the orientation kits over the break will be less fun now D:, I'm so happy for you! And you finally got to leave AI lol You've always had really impressive design choices and compositions I'm so jealous! I'm actually really PO'd at whoever decided that you shouldn't get the blue ribbon this show. You totally deserved it, oh well. Keep drawing awesome, keep designing awesome, and just keep being awesome in general! Perry Demo from Curtis Perry on Vimeo.
Curtis, man I think you've been at that school longer than all of us. I was thinking "Jeez, I don't think I'd ever be able to stick around as long as he has." But you did it and you came out with a sweet reel and now you can move on to other things! All that hard work paid off! demo reel Portfolio review corrections from Brandon Lin on Vimeo.
Hey Brandon, you're reel was kick ass you did some awesome work and it always made me super envious of your epic skillz! You winning best in show for Game Art was a no brainer you totally deserved it. I'm gonna be looking for your name in the credits of future games! Didn't know you as well as the three above but you still had really badass work so I couldn't help but give you some spot light as well :]
Well that's it! Again make sure to step by these guy's sites and watch their reels!