Well a new quarter started up for me and I'm feeling really excited for this new start. I've recovered from my last quarter defeat and I'm ready to jump in to the fray of the Fall Quarter.
I've got quite a few project heavy classes 3D Visual Effects, Character Animation, and Pre-Production team and of course the obligatory Gen-Ed Critical Thinking. I had a fourth project class Advanced Lighting and Texture but I opted to drop that class so I could have more time to spend making my assignments look the best they can rather than rushing to get everything done in time. I'll be retaking that texture class next quarter.
I'll also be working on some portfolio pieces to put in my demo reel. The count down to graduation has begun! I should be graduating in 9 months time if all goes as planned. I already had to push my graduation date back so I could find the time to work on some pieces so hopefully that extra time will give me the energy to work on my reel.
My Animation Pre-production team has me very very excited. My team is working with the next Senior Game Production team. We'll be doing an opening cinematic for their epic stealth/adventure game. I'm really looking forward to animating some battle scenes with the characters that they have designed. I'm usually very apprehensive when it comes to modeling/texturing or generally anything that involves a 3D program but this really has me hyped and eager to work on the project. I'll keep you posted with art/models/animation previews as we go!
That comic concept I mentioned previously is going well my Co-creator and I made alot of Headway with story and character development over our vacation. You can look froward to more work with that also as we get more of that fleshed out.
That's all for now I'll leave you with a couple drawings that I did over my break.