Model sheets (excuse the crappy scan quality I was lazy and didn't want to rescan :\ )-
Expression sheets:
1 of 30 something Exposure sheets ( an x-sheet pretty much outlines everything your character does or says in a sequence frame by frame. So if a character raises his arm, you'll need to write that it starts on frame 7 and ends on frame 15 or something to that effect. It's tedious) -
1 of 4 phoneme charts for each speaking character ( A phoneme chart just gives you the mouth position of each sound in a word) -
Animatic (I'm aware that there is a strange jump at the beginning where the boy is walking down a hall and then there is an over the shoulder shot. He turns his head while he's walking down the hall. I just didn't draw it. It's in the X-sheets though)-
I did not choose the audio clip. It was given to me by the instructor and it's such a lamesauce audio clip I had the hardest time trying to figure out what to do with it :\
That's pretty much all for now. I did have another in-betweening project but I don't want to upload it for the simple fact that I'm not happy with it. Maybe I'll put up some more sketches later on in the week to balance out all the school work I've been posting.