Sunday, June 2, 2013

still alive

I guess updating once a year is going to be kind of a thing for me. Here are some things I've been working on.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Long time no see

It's been a while since I updated this! Well since graduating I was able to snag a job at a company called Cantor Gaming as a Graphic Artist. I'm having fun there and am around alot of fun people! So no complaints here! Here are some things I've done since my last post.
An image of Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games done a couple months before the movie came out. I loved the books and the movie!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Graduation yet again

Yes, it's graduation time again, only this time I'm the one graduating! Yay! I can't believe I'm finally done after 3 1/2 years I'm done and I couldn't be happier! I'm also a little scared as well! But that comes with the territory of leaving school. I'm leaving behind alot of good friends at that school and I'm going to miss hanging out and talking with them everyday. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do after school (besides try to find a job of course) I've never not been in school before so it's a bit intimidating. I'm graduating with some very good friends of mine as well and I'd love for you guys to have a look at their demo reels.

Here's my demo reel which quite frankly I'm sick of looking at lol but here it is anyway.

Chelsey Shirahata

Emi! We made it! We're done! And we're gonna kick ass at portfolio show!

Richard Van Sant

richard, good show dude. You weren't even nervous about review were you? lol

Nicole Ellison

We didn't talk all that much but I've always been a real big fan of your work. I was super happy to hear that you passed review. It always irked me when the teachers would get on your case about not doing 3D stuff. Illustration is just a tough as 3D. If you're good at something you'll find a job doing just that. And you're definitely a good illustrator, for sure.

Rub Henao

We didn't talk all that much either, Ruby but you've got top notch work and it's worth showing off! So that's what I'm doing. Good stuff! I love that snowy town!

A bunch of awesome people graduated last semester as well that I didn't get to blog about so I'll quickly link their demos down below. They've also got some of the best reels I've seen come out of our school so definitely give these guys a look!

Sean Pennock

Maria Walker

Ryan Ching

Mark Robertson

That's all folks! Please check out those websites and demo reels, too much work has gone in to them for them to be unseen.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back from the dead

Well it's been quite a while since I updated this! Alot has been going on especially with school. To break it down I'm very close to graduating. I can only hope the final review panel will be merciful. Below I've added some new animations I did this quarter and all the new things I've done are on my new website.

There's been some mutterings of Wacom's new product out and frankly I'm really, really, reeeally excited for it! It's called the Inkling. Basically it allows you to draw with a pen on real paper. You can then attach the device to the computer and download your sketches and it automatically turns them into vector or bitmap images.
For people like me, who prefer to draw with pen and paper than draw digitally it's a Godsend lol! It's really affordable too. I can't wait! Here's the promo video:

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Island

An assignment for my Advanced lighting and Texture class. We were required to follow contest guidelines on and also submit our piece for the contest. The basic gist of it was to create a background/landscape in 3D or 2D but since this was a 3D class we were required to do a 3D piece. Here's a couple wireframe renders along with the final piece. Click the images to see the bigger versions please.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Shadow of the Fallen King

Alright, so I meant to get to this sooner but I've just been a bit lazy.

Here is the final render of the short opening movie for the senior game Shadow of the Fallen King.

The story break down of the short is, Set, the red hippo guy, plans
to over throw Osiris, his brother and take over the throne. He hands him a scarab which is triggered to stab him and inject him with
poison. The poison weakens Osiris allowing Set to kick Osiris down the stairs and dismember him. He sends Osiris' body
across Egypt in separate canopic jars.

Our team was much smaller than a typical animation team. There is usually about 12-15 people on a team there were only 5 on our team
so we had alot of work to do.

So with that here's a list of everything I did specifically on the short:

the storyboard and animatic:

The animation for these scenes:

Designed the team logo as well as the animation for the opening logo:

All the color textures for both character's clothes and armor:

the anubis model and texture:

the knife model and texture:

the color texture for the scarab amulet:

the color texture for the pillars:

the color texture for the throne:

And contacted and commissioned the very talented voice actor
Joshua Tomar

Thanks to my teammates!! Keron Arthur, Chelsea Shirahata, Alex Munguia, Korsyca Oya
and of course thanks to our very patient instructor Rocky Bright.

And that about sums it up. Members from my team I intend to keep working on this to finish up parts that we didn't get to during the actual class. I hope you guys liked the short :]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Animation Workshop

So recently on Vimeo I stumbled on a really cool short called "The Backwater Gospel" and instantly fell in love with it. It's got the most impressive art direction that I've ever seen in a 3D short. A couple days later we watched the short in class and watched a few more videos by the team that created "The Backwater Gospel" and all of their shorts were plain amazing. They're called The Animation Workshop on vimeo and I highly recommend you go and check them out. They've got some awesome awesome work.

Here's some of my favorites from their channel:

The Backwater Gospel:

Alittle violent but it's well worth the watch trust me.

Mighty Antlers:
Very very well done fight scene in this one

The Saga of Biorn: Love the simplistic style to this one

Captain Awesome: